Sad how the world is…I really hadn’t noticed that before. Before, the world seemed perfect to me. After all I have a wonderful mother, loving me unconditionally, always shielding me from the perils of the world. But now as age creeps in, I see the world differently. Unfriendly. A world where women are not of much value. We are just but ornaments …to be seen but not to be heard. I am not a poet, nor am I some very good writer. It’s just one of those moments where u want to speak out...and writing seems to be a perfect means of “sharing”. Women: we carry babies in our wombs for 9months, a job no man can do. Women have hearts of gold, silent cries, tough inside but soft skinned. Women are our mothers, our daughters, sisters and so on. Women are the heavenly creatures that can endure so much suffering just so that the ones they love can have the best. Women are mothers. Mothers bring joy and hope and love their babies unconditionally. No matter what you do, a mother still cares. They will sing when they want to cry, smile when they want to scream. For them, no is not an option when they believe there is a better solution.
Yet…it is these same women who are undermined, degraded and reduced to commodities. It is these same women who are paid less wages for the same job a man does, just because they are women. It is these same mothers, women, who die while giving birth just because they are women. They are just women, who cares anyway? Governments, as much as they may make provisions for these in their laws, they never really follow up to check if less women are now dying while giving birth, during pregnancy or post birth. When my husband rapes me, it is said that it is ok, because I am a woman and I have to submit to the man. But rape is rape isn’t it? When a man rapes a woman, they get fined...read pay peanuts, or get a few months or years in prison. Most women, if not all, who report this matter to the police, they are degraded, asked how it was and so on. Really?? Some cannot report because they fear stigma since they feel they have lost face in society. Really?? But she is the victim here, she got raped. Whatever...is that what a woman is worth?? Their lives are messed up, they are traumatized, they are emotionally and physically wounded but that is not important...after all they are just women. When my husband beats me, it is domestic matters so most people, i.e. police do not want to get involved. He is abusing me; just because I am a woman will I not receive any help?
On to touchy matters...abortion…I will not say I am pro abortion, neither am I against it..This is how I see things, whether or not the government, society etc allow this, women will still do it. They will go to those street doctors who will just rip them off their money do a shoddy job and kaput…so would you rather a shoddy job done that might lead to death of these women or should they just let them do it in a proper healthy way. NOTE: I am not campaigning for women to keep aborting…I am just saying we should scale the risks of unsafe abortion, provide proper health for women who want to do that and most importantly, provide counseling post abortion. How will the young girls know the perils of abortion if all society does is look down upon it and not talk about it? They need to learn, they need to know. And you need to know that today’s society has changed and that they will do it if they want to. They just need to be counseled and educated then maybe they will reduce.
I was shocked; you can call me ignorant, that the girl child still does not receive education because the boys are favored in society. School the boy who cares about the girl? Women, even young girls are trafficked and sold off to become sex workers, some against their own will. Some even as young as 6…maybe others are younger. Because women are commodities; sell this virgin for 10,000$. It doesn’t matter that her mother is looking for her, it doesn’t matter that she is just 6. It doesn’t matter that the only men she knows are her father and brother and little cousins. It doesn’t matter that she cries and you hit her and force yourself on her, it doesn’t matter that all she wants is her mommy and to have a normal childhood where she can play with her fellow youngsters…because she is just a girl.
Young girls working in factories in remote areas in the world can only pee once or twice a whole day. No maternal leave, getting pregnant means you might lose your job. A job that pays me less…coz I am woman. If you need menstrual leave, these women, our mothers, sisters, wives, are ashamed by being told to show if they really are on their menses, by men. Is that really what society has reduced our mothers to? And our sons just stand back and watch, because women are just but ornaments. Women getting raped and companies they work for don’t care just because they did not get raped or killed in the company’s grounds. Even governments just let them get away: check border town. Why bother anyway, they are just women!!!
Sex: These two beings: man and woman, differ because of the body parts. Gender: man and woman are defined into niches by society. Gender is what society clusters us in. Defined by society. Imagined communities. Social constructions. Women, the sex with boobs, are beneath men, society thinks of them as children bearers, cooks, whores, cleaners and so on. A woman should not have a voice of her own. She should not stand up to a man. Because that is what society demands. A woman who is successful in most cases, e.g. in movies, is depicted as being lonely, aggressive, bossy, no friends and so on. That is really not the case. It is just because that is what society thinks of women, so movies show that. They show society what they want. I have so many issues I’d like to lay out but I guess or rather hope that my point has passed through. Just because I am a woman, just because I have boobs, does not mean that my needs are beneath yours. Just because I am a woman does not justify me being raped, being beaten, having my children taken away from me. Just because I am woman does not mean that I can be stolen and sold off as though I am a piece of commodity, even when I am just 6. Just because I am a woman does not mean I should heed to your sex calls, and that you beat and rape me in those factories because I will not tell anyone. Because I am a woman, I am your mother, I carried you for 9 months and took care of you after that. I am a woman; I am your daughter, your sister, your wife. And for all these reasons and many more, I am important. I am a woman and I have rights too. We need not be voiceless; our screams need not be silent. Because we are women, and we have rights too!!!!
Sex: These two beings: man and woman, differ because of the body parts. Gender: man and woman are defined into niches by society. Gender is what society clusters us in. Defined by society. Imagined communities. Social constructions. Women, the sex with boobs, are beneath men, society thinks of them as children bearers, cooks, whores, cleaners and so on. A woman should not have a voice of her own. She should not stand up to a man. Because that is what society demands. A woman who is successful in most cases, e.g. in movies, is depicted as being lonely, aggressive, bossy, no friends and so on. That is really not the case. It is just because that is what society thinks of women, so movies show that. They show society what they want. I have so many issues I’d like to lay out but I guess or rather hope that my point has passed through. Just because I am a woman, just because I have boobs, does not mean that my needs are beneath yours. Just because I am a woman does not justify me being raped, being beaten, having my children taken away from me. Just because I am woman does not mean that I can be stolen and sold off as though I am a piece of commodity, even when I am just 6. Just because I am a woman does not mean I should heed to your sex calls, and that you beat and rape me in those factories because I will not tell anyone. Because I am a woman, I am your mother, I carried you for 9 months and took care of you after that. I am a woman; I am your daughter, your sister, your wife. And for all these reasons and many more, I am important. I am a woman and I have rights too. We need not be voiceless; our screams need not be silent. Because we are women, and we have rights too!!!!
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