I don’t usually write about religion as it’s a sensitive issue but the
Shabaab story has triggered my mind and evoked emotions in me that triggered this post. This is not
written to offend anyone.
May God rest the Souls of those who perished in the ghastly attack in
peace, May those who have been directly affected find solace, peace and
redemption in God, May those who have helped in whatever manner be blessed
forever and May God Bless and Protect our
Beloved KENYA!
The trajectory of the Kenyan and even international news for
the past few days has been heart wrenching. Too much sadness engulfed our
country and the world at large due to the barbaric and cowardly acts committed
by bandits… hooligans and whatever names we would like to call them in the name
of Islam, my religion. In a matter of
minutes and probably years of planning, they had shattered the peace in Kenya
and in so many of our lives. We were glued to broadcast channels and social
media to get an update on the situation, to what was happening to our beloved homeland, Kenya.
The hooligans justify these acts of terror saying KDF and
others invaded their country and attacked Muslims. Well, way before KDF ‘attacked
Muslims’, you were already at it Al-shabaab. Killing and torturing your very
own Muslims in their own land and now Kenya bears the brunt of your
in-sensitivities and ignorance. Killing
innocent people isn’t Jihad. Slaughtering babies, raping women and young girls
and what have you isn’t Jihad. That is not what Islam preaches.
Muslims are now portrayed as terrorists, justifiably so, but
please take note of the fact that it may be Muslims carrying out these attacks
in the name of Islam BUT NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS. That isn’t
Islam. This is not jihad!! This is probably Shabaab relaying their frustrations
because KDF and Ras Kamboni have managed to push them out of Kismayo, their
economic hub which is now under the control of Ras Kamboni. You’re probably trying
to make Kenyan go against Kenyan because of religion. You’re probably trying to
make Kenya attack Somalia so that you can act like Kenya is BAD and you are
GOOD protecting your people, the same people you commit atrocities to!
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Helping each other, regardless of religion or race |
I wouldn’t want to comment on the Bible and put it out of
context but I believe Holy War is mentioned. We had God making the sun stand
still so that Joshua could wage war against the Amorites – non-believers, so
that His people could be saved. Islam also speaks about Holy War and PROHIBITS
killing innocent people. All religions including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,
Hindu etc. preach peace. So it would be wrong and ignorant to blame this on
every Muslim or Somali alive because they too got hurt. They too died. They too helped during this trying time and they too prayed for Kenya. They too watched the news with sadness and they too attended many funerals the next day. They too donated blood and gave donations. As did many Kenyans. And if the Westgate attack is anything to go by, it
was a mix of nationalities practising God knows what faith!
Here is where I commend my mother for how she brought me up.
She didn’t force the Hijab on me. She made me understand that religion is in
one’s heart and that being kind and nice to humanity is what counts. She taught
me to respect all religions. After all, my grandmother was Christian and we celebrate
Christmas and Easter with the Christian part of my family. We didn’t fight
about religion. When my Grandma prayed in the name of Jesus, we said Amen. When
she came to my home and people prayed, she respected that. My friends too are
Christian but we co-exist so well because we respect each other’s beliefs.
After all, they say that in heaven or hell, you are by yourself!
I once had an
argument with my friend , Fluffy, on religion, and he told me ‘Lulu, if you were born in
India, you would be worshiping cows’. That put everything into perspective. He didn’t mean it in a derogative manner, he
was passing a point across. He was letting me know that it is not right to
judge anyone by religion. It’s all about your beliefs and being good to another
human. What you practice isn’t what matters, but what you do when on this
earth. To me, religion is about being kind to humanity regardless of race,
tribe or creed. Religion is what puts everything into perspective. We have a
higher power who we can call upon when in distress, who we can say thank you to
after success, who we praise when we wake up. Religion gives us hope and
direction and helps us refrain from what we deem bad. I don’t believe it calls
on us to kill and fight each other because of it. If anything, it should bring
us together because the ultimate goal is to get to heaven and not hell, to meet
the higher power and atone for our sins. It’s all about the hereafter. So
please, Kenya, World…Do not let us be divided because of religion. After all,
if I was born in India, I would be worshiping cows.
BONUS: Please note
how God has been used in this piece – it doesn’t refer to the God of Muslims,
Hindus, Christians or any religion, He is OUR God. For us all!!
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