I have been watching the news with alot of sadness and heaviness in my heart. Each day I see those little babies, with swollen stomachs and ribs you can visibly see enough to count. Oh my, I cry for the children of Kenya. It breaks my heart. Our MPs are here whining about taxes, they get almost a million plus allowances for cars and entertainment. They are living off our money and they dont have the decency to feed those dying babies. And here they are screaming and pleading for our votes. They keep saying that if we vote for them, they will do this and that. Well, waheshimiwa, you are in power now. Show us what you can do NOW. Do not lie to us with promises of tomorrow yet you can do it today. Those babies are dying. Those women and men are dying. Well, I plead to Kenyans, since they are not doing it, for the sake of humanity, for our sake, for our fellow Kenyans, we can do something. We might not be able to save them all, but for those we can help and save, LETS. Lets save lives. We dont need to wait on the government to do it. We have power in numbers, lets save our people.

Another issue that has been on my mind is the IDP's. They are displaced, they are sleeping out in the cold and have little to eat. Some of them sleep hungry. And I totally blame the government. With their greed and yearning to hold power (total REALISTS) we fought each other to put them in those seats. Yes, these people we were fighting to put in power were in their cozy beds, in their high class houses watching from afar. Yes, when we were running around with the police, they acted like they will demonstrate with us. In the news that day, when the tear gases and cat chases erupted, the dear Waheshimiwas had their chauffeur driven cars to come and sweep them off those areas and the wananchis were running around, beaten up, tear gassed and what not. We lost! We are hungry and we are cold. They are not. Here they are asking for salary raise because the cost of living is high. Oh yes it is. But we feel the pinch more. The IDPs feel the pinch more. The people dying of hunger feel the pinch more. The money you are rolling around in is Kenyan Tax Money. What are you doing for us?
Many Kenyans have so many problems that go unnoticed. I am ranting. I may not be heard and no action may be taken. But I will do something. Even if I will save just one life, I will do it. I will have done a better job than all of you (waheshimiwas) put together. And I will not stop ranting. I will not sit and wallow in the troubles of my people and feel sad and do nothing. Neither will the Kenyans and other people who can. When I can help, I will!!
In other news, Follow this link and see what this EXTRAORDINARY girl, Lana, a 7 year old is doing for our people dying of hunger. Check it out
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