Thursday, 28 July 2011

I cry for MY people-The Dying Kenyans

I have been watching the news with alot of sadness and heaviness in my heart. Each day I see those little babies, with swollen stomachs and ribs you can visibly see enough to count. Oh my, I cry for the children of Kenya. It breaks my heart. Our MPs are here whining about taxes, they get almost a million plus allowances for cars and entertainment. They are living off our money and they dont have the decency to feed those dying babies. And here they are screaming and pleading for our votes. They keep saying that if we vote for them, they will do this and that. Well, waheshimiwa, you are in power now. Show us what you can do NOW. Do not lie to us with promises of tomorrow yet you can do it today. Those babies are dying. Those women and men are dying. Well, I plead to Kenyans, since they are not doing it, for the sake of humanity, for our sake, for our fellow Kenyans, we can do something. We might not be able to save them all, but for those we can help and save, LETS. Lets save lives. We dont need to wait on the government to do it. We have power in numbers, lets save our people.
Another issue that has been on my mind is the IDP's. They are displaced, they are sleeping out in the cold and have little to eat. Some of them sleep hungry. And I totally blame the government. With their greed and yearning to hold power (total REALISTS) we fought each other to put them in those seats. Yes, these people we were fighting to put in power were in their cozy beds, in their high class houses watching from afar. Yes, when we were running around with the police, they acted like  they will demonstrate with us. In the news that day, when the tear gases and cat chases erupted, the dear Waheshimiwas had their chauffeur driven cars to come and sweep them off those areas and the wananchis were running around, beaten up, tear gassed and what not. We lost!  We are hungry and we are cold. They are not. Here they are asking for salary raise because the cost of living is high. Oh yes it is. But we feel the pinch more. The IDPs feel the pinch more. The people dying of hunger feel the pinch more. The money you are rolling around in is Kenyan Tax Money. What are you doing for us?

Many Kenyans have so many problems that go unnoticed. I am ranting. I may not be heard and no action may be taken. But I will do something. Even if I will save just one life, I will do it. I will have done a better job than all of you (waheshimiwas) put together. And I will not stop ranting. I will not sit and wallow in the troubles of my people and feel sad and do nothing. Neither will the Kenyans and other people who can. When I can help, I will!! 

In other news, Follow this link and see what this EXTRAORDINARY girl, Lana, a 7 year old is doing for our people dying of hunger. Check it out  Here

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

***Black Rainbow Pearl-Origins***

My friends have been constantly asking me why i call myself  Black Rainbow Pearl when clearly I am not black-well i dont think so-not inside not outside. Infact, Im a yellow yellow. Well here goes....When we were studying for Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)Mock exams, yes seems like quite a long time ago..I was in a state of panic. I remember we were studying for a Biology paper, which was one of my favorite subjects, but that day i felt overwhelmed. There was so much to read for and there was no time, literally. The paper was the next morning and I just felt like I could not handle it. So in my state of panic, I took my jumper in class and covered my head and started reading-crying, in a bid to make all the body systems and functions plus all the other biology stuff sink in. My friend, and soon to be doctor, Mbatha Wambua, came to me. She was the only one who had noticed, with no words spoken, of the fear and panic I was facing. She sat on my desk with a handwritten note. Nothing fancy, but the love in the content made me sooo rejuvenated. It was a plain white paper, coloured lightly in rainbow colors and words, I cannot quote it word for word but I have kept that note since then. 

Yes many many years. Something about how Rome was not built in a day and I have to take stuff slowly, one day at a time. She told me how she believed in me and how i can achieve anything I want to. With that, she sat with me and we went through our biology mwakenya's-in my state of panic I got the feeling that I knew nothing and I had to read from the textbook- She told me it was not practical and that we could go through the mwakenyas(short notes). " Lulz, you have been studying hard since form one there is no way you have forgotten everything at this time". And she was right.I actually did very well. She believed in me when I did not even believe in myself.
That rainbow became my motivator since then. I have been studying since form one there is no way it had all vanished when I needed to have most of the information to put in writing the next day.

She drew for me a rainbow, a sign that despite all the rain, there is something magical in the skies that makes it all better. The rainbow, the sign Noah got  from God after the floods that took away all the evil people. That rainbow gave me so much motivation that I have had it since then. It reminds me, with the risk of sounding cliche, that Yes I can.She calls me Black Pearl. My name, Lulu , is the swahili word for Pearl. And my darling Mbazz always told me that I am a Black Pearl, because it is rare, it is magical and special. And she is my Rainbow. She was my sign that all is not lost that I could still score in that Biology paper many years ago. And not just in Biology, but in all aspects of life. I just have to work at it and do my best. Today, I am doing what I have always wanted. Human rights work. It makes me happy and gives me fulfillment that I can never ever explain. So Madam Doctor, thank you very very much. For believing in me, for being my friend, my mentor and the girl who always believed that I could. Mbatha is my Rainbow, I am her Black Pearl, hence the name : Black Rainbow Pearl.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Weekend with Fun people

On Thursday my friends called me for a nice night out. I hadn’t been out clubbing in a while since I got to Malaysia and my exams were over so I decided why not. Quite an eventful night with me crowning myself as Jesus Christess to all the crazy people pestering me. I wish I could describe the looks on their faces when I said my 'name'. Had a lot of nice laughs and a lot of fun thanks to the ROC Boys and the cool ladies I was with. Ended up spending the night with Michelle, Wav and Kat. In a nutshell, AWESOME night.

No hangovers the next morning but with all the fun we didn’t get too many pics but the memories shall forever be etched in my mind. At 4pm I got a call from my brother from another mother and my best boy in Malaysia, Jeev, that we should drive down to Johor at around 6pm. We had planned this trip for so long but with our busy schedules, ahem, we kept postponing.  It’s just about 4 hours away and we all needed a break from our everyday boring monotonous lives I was like oh well, why not. Heck, it’s going to be a weekend of chilling, playing games, quiet and fun. What better way to chill and have a break than that!!!                                                                            

The trip’s culprits are my best boy Jeev, Shabeen,my princess and best girl Aroo and me. We all got to Jeev’s car, checked that the car was good then went to pick Shabeen. We stopped at burger king for some take out as we were all hungry. Then we got into the car and started our fun weekend with me narrating stories of Jesus Christess and all the fun I had had the previous night. We had a stop somewhere in the middle of our journey, had our burgers and started the pic whoring as we envisioned our nice weekend and hogged on the burgers. Got to Johor around 1 am. It was abit of a blur but I remember playing games and everyone deciding they were too sleepy and we wanted to go to the waterfall in the morning.

Shabeen feeling all Tarzan :)

Talk about serenity. I don’t think it gets any more serene than this. We woke up early and went out for breakfast. We had some nice roti with egg and tea, too delicious. If I could, I’d drive down to Johor every morning just for breakfast.  After breakfast we drove down to the waterfalls. Excitement checked in and we were all yapping and yapping. We got there and immediately started searching for a nice spot, one with a litu natural slide. We got a nice spot and started enjoying the scenery and the water.It was really really cold. Again I repeat, AWESOME. We swam with the fishes, slid and just had a nice time. The pic down here is of the boys trying to catch some fish. We saw them, swam with them, gave them a whole packet of crisps but the boys could not even catch one :)

Jeev consoling me about the cold water

Sunday we chilled, had lunch with jeev’s folks then drove back down to the rather noisy Kl. Good thing about is we all went down for Salim's surprise bday party, which Aroo and Jeev had to plan on the drive from somewhere on the way back. And the good thing about that is i got to see baby Aleesha. Gotta love her.  

Not much to blog but the pics say it all. On another note, I really shall miss Malaysia. I have made the best of friends who I now consider my family. You guys, Arukho and Jeev especially, shout out for all your love. You guys are too real. And thanks for the wonderful time I had, not just this past weekend but all the times we go crazy J Shera, Wav, Davie, Dj Connect, Joey, Melo thanks guys for an awesome night out. It was just amazing.
